Crucial Qualities to Look for in an Agricultural Lime Supplier

When you buy farmland, the first thing you must do is test its soil pH level. This is crucial because soil pH affects the quality of agricultural yield. Once you get a soil pH report, you need to apply lime based on an expert's recommendation. However, you first need to find a reliable supplier for agricultural lime. The fact that there could be several local suppliers to choose from makes the process relatively tricky. This article highlights essential qualities to look for in an aglime supplier.   

Variety of Aglime -- There are different types of agricultural lime, and you must keep this in mind when looking for a supplier. Typically, a soil pH report will recommends the kind of aglime to use, but that is not all you need to consider during the selection process. For instance, if a soil pH report reveals that the acidity levels on your farm run deep inside the soil, you need liquid aglime. This is because liquid aglime sinks deep into the soil more easily and faster than solid aglime. Therefore, it is advisable to find a supplier who sells different types of agricultural lime. This helps you save money and time, and it makes the purchase process manageable, especially for first-time farmers.   

Variety of Delivery Forms -- Do you want agricultural lime delivered in bags or by the truckload? This is another crucial consideration when you are looking for an aglime supplier. Each delivery system is based on pertinent factors directly associated with aglime use. For instance, if you have a large amount of farmland, it is advisable to buy aglime in truckloads. Large tracts of land require substantial amounts of lime, and truckload delivery is arguably the best option since it is cost-effective and reduces waste. However, if you have a small piece of land, you need to have aglime delivered in bags. Although most suppliers sell lime in both trucks and bags, others specialise in one type.   

Lime Application Services -- Lime application is not as easy as most people would like to imagine. Environmental conditions must be suitable for effective aglime application. For instance, you risk losing powdered aglime if you apply it on a windy day. Similarly, lime application on a rainy day is counterproductive because some sections of a farm could end up with higher concentration levels of lime than others. Thus, it is much easier to work with a supplier who also offers lime application services. Since personnel understand all there is to know about lime use, they will effectively apply it over your farm. Therefore, you don't have to worry about wasting your time because of poor application techniques. 

Contact an agricultural lime supplier in your area to learn more.

About Me

Back To Basics?

My husband and I both took early retirement in our forties, and we have chosen to spend that retirement running a small hobby farm in the countryside. Plenty of retirees decide to do this; it's a hardworking but simple life, and our aim is to become as close to self-sufficient as possible as time goes by. Ours is a little different from most, however--because we run this little non-commercial farm just as a farm would have been run a hundred years ago or more. We have horses instead of tractors, and we do all our planting by hand. We work with the light and the seasons, and get as close as possible to nature. We've started this blog to share what we've learned about traditional agriculture with the world, and just maybe inspire some other people to explore this fantastic lifestyle too.



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